Forslag vil blive vist, efter du har indtastet noget i søgefeltet. Brug op- og ned-pilene til at gennemgå resultaterne. Brug Enter til at vælge. Hvis valget er en sætning, vil denne sætning blive indsendt som søgning. Hvis forslaget er et link, vil browseren navigere til denne side.

Del dine opslag

Do you have multiple listings? You can showcase them all on your Host profile page and share them on Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, and via email. Potential guests will be able to browse your listings and find out more about you. If guests want to get more info on a specific listing, they can always go to each listing’s page.

You can also create a custom link for each of your listings—find out more.

Note: If you previously used an Airbnb pro marketing page, this info will now appear in your Host profile, and these pages will be redirected to your profile as well. If you used a custom link for your pro marketing page, you can still edit or delete it using your professional hosting tools in your account settings. We encourage you to check your profile to ensure it has all the info you want.

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