Forslag vil blive vist, efter du har indtastet noget i søgefeltet. Brug op- og ned-pilene til at gennemgå resultaterne. Brug Enter til at vælge. Hvis valget er en sætning, vil denne sætning blive indsendt som søgning. Hvis forslaget er et link, vil browseren navigere til denne side.

Det skal du gøre, når et særtilbud udløber

Your guest didn't accept or decline your special offer within 24 hours? Don't worry, you've got options!

  • Send the guest a new special offer. Life happens, and they may have simply missed your offer.
  • Ask them to send a new request to book. Once they send it, you'll have 24 hours to accept or decline.
  • Skip sending a new special offer. Another guest will have the opportunity to book your great place.
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