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Tilføjelse af forretningsrejseoplysninger til en rejse

If you’ve added your work email to your profile or enrolled in Airbnb for Work, you can add business travel notes to a trip. Being a “verified” business traveler means you’ve added your work email to your Airbnb account, though it’s your choice whether to add business details to a trip.

Note: Once a reservation is confirmed, you may still be able to add details/notes, but changes can not be made to the original receipt. If you need to add information to your receipt, you can have it reissued by canceling and rebooking your trip.

Sådan tilføjer du forretningsrejseoplysninger

  1. Gå til Rejser, vælg Kommende eller Tidligere, og vælg den rejse, du vil redigere
  2. Gå til Betalingsoplysninger
  3. Hvis du er bekræftet, skal du vælge Dette er en forretningsrejse (ellers skal du springe dette trin over)
  4. Klik på Tilføj oplysninger for at udgiftsføre din rejse
  5. Angiv din faktureringsadresse eller andre relevante oplysninger, og klik på Gem

Adding VAT details to your notes won’t affect the VAT charged on your reservation. VAT invoices cannot be changed. Learn more about how VAT may apply to you.

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